Tuesday, November 27, 2012

breakfast cereal (jk cereal's kinda poison ya'know)

So, this is kind of like cereal. It's sort of sweet, it's brightly colored, I could advertize it as being high in fiber and low in sugar if I felt like selling it. It's not making anyone any money if you eat it, except maybe ten years from now when you don't have as many medical expenses, but that's another can of worms.

I really despise cereal companies, or really any company that sells food product only slightly better than poison to children. Why the hell is it socially acceptable to market a sugar-gluten-artificial-crap-laden-semi-food-product to children using cartoons? Why the hell is it socially acceptable to indoctrinate children into the industry of addictive food items with the pretense that it's "a part of a balanced breakfast"? I digress.

Anyway, this is what I had for breakfast this morning. I made it the night before as I'm not totally a morning person, so it really helps to already have breakfast and lunch made before I even go to sleep.

I had like no food left (produce-wise), so I winged this and it turned out delightfully.

I ate it sitting in front of my sun lamp because it's fucking cold in Chicago and I need UV light for vitamin D synthesis (and you do too!)


-1 boneless, skinless chicken thigh
-1 cucumber
-1/3 to 1/2 a mango
-1/4 cup pineapple chunks


1. Pan fry your chicken thigh until it is browned on both sides. Chop this into tiny pieces.
2. Chop your cucumber, mango, and pineapple into cubes. Put in a bowl. Mix with chicken.
3. Stick that in the fridge until you are ready to eat it.

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